About Us

Today our fleet consists of state of the art ambulances equipped with all the modern equipment we need to perform our duties to the fullest.

Our membership consists of over 45 trained and certified EMT’s (Emergency Medical Technicians) from the New Jersey State Department of Health, and some are also Nationally Registered.

Each member carries in their cars a Trauma Bag, Oxygen bag and AED. We are currently the only EMS agency in the area to equip all of its members with an AED (Automated Defibrillator), a much needed asset when encountering a patient that’s in cardiac arrest. Our state of the art communications include portable two way radios for each of our members. This allows our dispatcher and all the members to keep in constant communication during an emergency.

All dispatchers go through a rigorous training program to ensure the best and most efficient communication. Our 30 dispatchers are the first contact a patient makes when going through an emergency. They are an invaluable asset to our life saving organization.

These selfless community members devote countless hours throughout the year to assist and save the lives of others. But, this incredible organization cannot exist without the financial support of the people in the community.

Please partner with us in helping to keep our community safe 24/7 365.

Stay Healthy,
The Hatzalah Crew